I am a frequent customer at 7-eleven and I love 7-eleven ever from the time I lived in NYC last year. A few weeks ago I walked into this store to make and buy an iced coffee. It was the first time I made an iced coffee myself and I didn't know how it was going to come up. The vanilla coffee creamer that I used to use in my hot coffee ran out from two bottles, so I had to settle for an Irish creamer from another bottle. To my surprise the drink ended up to be so much better than I hoped it would be with the vanilla creamer. When I was ready to pay at the register the cashier girl tried to charge me a different, higher amount than the one showing at the iced coffee machine. When I told her about the price at the machine she said: "This is the price, sir", I said: "No, the machine has another price, come I'll show you", she came with me, I pointed at the line of prices for each size and she said:"Those are old prices" I said " But that is not my fault, you have to honor the prices that are there", she said " No sir, this is the price now". At this point I got upset and I told her in a loud voice that she could not overcharge me for the item, then she said "I'm going to call the police then", I said "Good! call them, I am going to call them too", and I did.
When the police came they spoke with her separately and she lied to them saying that those are promotional prices that are not good anymore.
I did not buy the iced coffee and I am never coming back to that store again.
I am a frequent customer at 7-eleven and I love 7-eleven ever from the time I lived in NYC last year. A few weeks ago I walked into this store to make and buy an iced coffee. It was the first time I made an iced coffee myself and I didn't know how it was going to come up. The vanilla coffee creamer that I used to use in my hot coffee ran out from two bottles, so I had to settle for an Irish creamer from another bottle. To my surprise the drink ended up to be so much better than I hoped it would be with the vanilla creamer. When I was ready to pay at the register the cashier girl tried to charge me a different, higher amount than the one showing at the iced coffee machine. When I told her about the price at the machine she said: "This is the price, sir", I said: "No, the machine has another price, come I'll show you", she came with me, I pointed at the line of prices for each size and she said:"Those are old prices" I said " But that is not my fault, you have to honor the prices that are there", she said " No sir, this is the price now". At this point I got upset and I told her in a loud voice that she could not overcharge me for the item, then she said "I'm going to call the police then", I said "Good! call them, I am going to call them too", and I did. When the police came they spoke with her separately and she lied to them saying that those are promotional prices that are not good anymore. I did not buy the iced coffee and I am never coming back to that store again.