As I arrived, workers asked if I needed any help. When I stated I'd like to speak to a banker, they sent me to one immediately. Not even a minute wait. Sure enough, the banker had great knowledge of banking, and helping you to their fullest potential. The computer was slightly slow at the time, so what did the banker do? Have a casual converstation so the waiting time for the computer didn't seem to take long. At one point the computer took nearly 5 minutes. Imagine sitting there waiting for the computer in pure silence? They also gave you offers like credit cards and tell you about upcoming contests. I love it and I enjoy my banker a lot !!
As I arrived, workers asked if I needed any help. When I stated I'd like to speak to a banker, they sent me to one immediately. Not even a minute wait. Sure enough, the banker had great knowledge of banking, and helping you to their fullest potential. The computer was slightly slow at the time, so what did the banker do? Have a casual converstation so the waiting time for the computer didn't seem to take long. At one point the computer took nearly 5 minutes. Imagine sitting there waiting for the computer in pure silence? They also gave you offers like credit cards and tell you about upcoming contests. I love it and I enjoy my banker a lot !!