I worked for one of Carr's clients for the last 3 years before I recently moved to a new organization and it was such a warm, welcoming place. It's really important to me in an office environment to feel like a team; and, even though we were separated by client-management lines, we were actively part of one another's teams. They hosted parties to bring people out of their private offices and would do whatever possible to support each company -- from volunteering at our Annual Gala, to encouraging the smaller businesses to teach "lunch and learn" seminars for the rest of the floor. It was more than just a business - more than just answering phones, sorting mail, etc. It was a true community.
I worked for one of Carr's clients for the last 3 years before I recently moved to a new organization and it was such a warm, welcoming place. It's really important to me in an office environment to feel like a team; and, even though we were separated by client-management lines, we were actively part of one another's teams. They hosted parties to bring people out of their private offices and would do whatever possible to support each company -- from volunteering at our Annual Gala, to encouraging the smaller businesses to teach "lunch and learn" seminars for the rest of the floor. It was more than just a business - more than just answering phones, sorting mail, etc. It was a true community.