Stay far away from this place. They charge you for everything. If you call the hotline..they pretend to want to help so they can keep you on the line. At 3$ a minute they make good money off the hotline. You Will be billed for calling. They don't tell you they're going to bill you. Surprise surprise. Here's your 46$ bill for reaching out for help. You're better off figuring it out on your own... unless you're filthy rich and can afford 3$ a minute to be depressed
Stay far away from this place. They charge you for everything. If you call the hotline..they pretend to want to help so they can keep you on the line. At 3$ a minute they make good money off the hotline. You Will be billed for calling. They don't tell you they're going to bill you. Surprise surprise. Here's your 46$ bill for reaching out for help. You're better off figuring it out on your own... unless you're filthy rich and can afford 3$ a minute to be depressed